Monday, June 18, 2007

Playing Along

First, it was the advertisements.
Then, the direct opposition common in rebellious teenage males.
Then, my friends was a realization.
An epiphany of sorts,
That I was really fucking good at it.

See, I've spent most my evening catching up on propaganda.
And what ever time i didn't spend on the propaganda I spend just being generally pissed off about the whole situation. I fumed. Oh, I fumed. I begged for the God of the Old testament to bring down fire upon my suppressors, those lying sons of bitches in the news media, and to bring on the apocalypse just so I could some how feel justified in being lied to so bad. and about how motherfucking stupid everybody really is.

and how maybe a good biological attack is just what we need. a good bubonic plauge. West nile. Sars. Aids. Bird Flu. these epidemiological promised plagues that thin the heards; not enough to kill everyone, mind you, but just enough to teach the few survivors the error of their ways.

I swear, God gave us a hard task when he asked us his great commission. Converting men? I can't even convert myself. I hate to say it God, but you might as well bring your fire and brimstone now, cause humanity is a lost cause. You know what I mean.

Either this is a calling, or I'm going COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE.

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